Course Description

Does any of this sound like you?

  • Your meals are healthy, unless you’ve had a tough day… and then you reach for convenience food, take away or sweet treats
  • You rely on having a glass or two (or more) to relax in the evening, particularly on a Friday
  • When you’re feeling tired or stressed you reach for chocolates or other sweet foods
  • You rely on food or alcohol to lift your mood
  • If you deny yourself comfort food you’ll keep eating and eating unless you give in and ‘let yourself’ have it
  • If you’ve failed at a diet, it’s usually because you’ve had a tough day and fallen off the wagon
  • You sometimes eat fast and in secret
  • You often feel guilty and sick after you’ve soothed yourself with food

If you relate to any of those statements then you’re probably an emotional eater

The good news is that you’re not alone, many women (and men) report using food and alcohol to self soothe and self medicate. Emotional eating can become a problem, though, if it’s causing you to feel worse about yourself, either by lowering your self esteem or your body confidence.

In this course I explain exactly what I mean by Emotional Eating, allow you to work out if you really are struggling with it and give you some techniques and tools to start working on it right now.

Most of the course content has been specifically recorded for you but even though I am not charging for this course, I've included some resources that have been used in my paid courses in the past. I'm so determined to support women like you to escape from emotional eating that I want to make sure that you have the very best resources in this course.

It's in bite sized chunks, so that it won't take hours to complete and you'll be able to fit it into your life and other commitments with ease. With audios ranging from 2-7 minutes, PDF worksheets and handouts as well as a full length bonus webinar and workbook you can dip in and out as you see fit.

I know that the value you'll get from this course and the difference it will make to your eating patterns is huge. I'm really looking forward to working with you.

Emotional Eating Coach

Rachel Swann

Hi! I am Rachel, your Emotional Eating Coach. For the last 6 years, I've been helping women, just like you, to separate your emotions from your eating and to understand why you rely on food to make you feel better. Over that time I've really listened to what my clients tell me about their challenges with their emotional connection with food and how it affects them. I see your emotional eating and lack of confidence in your body as a symptom of something much bigger; and it reflects your need to focus on you put yourself back at the top of the priority list.I have a huge number of tools that I use to support my coaching clients, some practical and some a little more spiritual. Thank you for being here, please feel free to get in touch.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome! Start here.

    • Welcome - Start here!

    • Workbook

  • 2

    Module 1 - Overview

    • Introduction

    • What is emotional eating?

    • What are your trigger points?

  • 3

    Module 2 - Strategies for dealing with emotional eating

    • Becoming More Mindful

    • Relaxing Meditation

    • How to own your emotions

    • Separating food and emotions

  • 4

    Module 3 - Where next?

    • Where next

  • 5


    • Be A Beautiful Swan - live! Teleclass 1

    • Emotional Eating Why, What & How

    • Emotional Eating Why, What & How