Course Description

Emotional Eating Coach

Rachel Swann

Hi! I am Rachel, your Emotional Eating Coach. For the last 6 years, I've been helping women, just like you, to separate your emotions from your eating and to understand why you rely on food to make you feel better. Over that time I've really listened to what my clients tell me about their challenges with their emotional connection with food and how it affects them. I see your emotional eating and lack of confidence in your body as a symptom of something much bigger; and it reflects your need to focus on you put yourself back at the top of the priority list.I have a huge number of tools that I use to support my coaching clients, some practical and some a little more spiritual. Thank you for being here, please feel free to get in touch.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Beautiful Swans Signature Course ~ START HERE!


  • 2

    Module 1 ~ Setting Your Intention

    • Session 1 - Intro, housekeeping and first task

    • Module 1 Class 2 Your essence

    • Week 2 Handout - Your Essence

    • Values

    • Week 3 Handout - Your Values

    • Needs

    • Week 4 Handout - Your needs

    • Better relationships and listening skills

    • Boundaries

    • Boundaries

  • 3

    Module 2 - Your relationship with your body

    • Thoughts, Value and Your Body’s Purpose

    • Your thoughts, your value and your body's purpose

    • Motivation to Move

    • Appreciating, gratitude and carting for your body.

    • Appreciating, gratitude and caring for your body

    • Exercise

    • Exercise

    • Colour in your clothing

    • What colour are your eyes?

    • Warm-Test-Palette

    • Cool-Test-Palette

    • Warm-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • Cool-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • Deep-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • Light-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • Clear-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • What colour is your hair?

    • Soft-Dominant-Rachel-Swann

    • Finding your body shape and your style

    • Easy-Peasy-Body-Shape-Quiz

    • Female-Body-Shape

    • Body-Shapes

    • Neat hourglass

    • WTW-Bottom-Heavy

    • WTW-Full-Hour-Glass

    • WTW-Round

    • WTW-Straight-Up-Down

    • WTW-Top-Heavy

    • Style-Personality-Quiz

    • Style-Vibes

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    Module 3 - Food

    • Ditch the diet baggage

    • Decision making and language around food

    • Decision making and language

    • Emotional Eating Why, What & How

    • Emotional Eating Why, What & How

    • Emotional eating

    • Intuitive Eating

    • Meal planning

    • Meal planner

  • 5

    Module 4- Putting it all together and moving forward

    • Looking at your self care

    • Self Care

    • Food as self care

    • Exercise as self care

    • How mindfulness helps

    • Introduction to Mindfulness

    • Mindfulness meditation; a guide to bringing yourself back to the present

    • Mindfulness body scan

    • Being a Beautiful Swan - The Journal

    • Journalling

    • Looking back at your progress and forwards to what happens next.

  • 6

    Designing your 'retreat' Wk 13 and wk 26

    • Retreat planning video

    • Retreat Planner

  • 7

    BONUS Binge Free Christmas Course

    • BFC Visualisation

    • Your Christmas Vision

    • Relaxing meditation (for those stressful moments)

    • Eating meditation

    • Christmas Planners